Gyasi Ross

Father, Author, Speaker

Gyasi Ross

Father - Author - Speaker

Gyasi Ross

Father - Author - Speaker

Meet The Author

“Vision, commitment and charisma are found in few people. These combined with humility are rare. Gyasi Ross has all these and he represents the best of a new generation of leaders for Indigenous and all communities”

-Winona LaDuke, Anishinaabe writer and environmental activist

“ of the sharpest young intellectuals we have out there in the nation.”

-Prof. Michael Eric Dyson, MSNBC’s The Ed Show

“We have received nothing but positive comments and compliments on (Ross') lecture, the choice of topic (spot on!!) and all the events. It was a fantastic start to the Hubbard Lecture annual series—the only problem is that people think it will be very hard to come up to the high standard that he helped us set this year!”

-Priscilla C. Grew, Director, University of Nebraska State Museum

Yesterday was a landmark day for the Quileute Tribe, Hoh River and Forks communities as Gyasi Ross brought his suicide prevention discussions to the area. Gyasi touched an audience with a wide array of ages and backgrounds, delving deep into the minds and hearts of everyone in attendance, weaving together stories of personal experience, historical trauma perspective, the meaning of function and roles within a tribe and community, hope, resilience and purpose. Thank you, Gyasi, you inspired everyone who had the honor of hearing you speak & engaging with you!

- Quileute Youth Council

About Gyasi Ross

Gyasi Ross is an author, speaker and storyteller. Gyasi comes from the Blackfeet Nation and resides on the Port Madison Indian Reservation near Seattle. TV and radio programs and print and online publications regularly seek his input on politics, sports, pop culture and the intersections thereof with Native life.

Ross is the author of Don’t Know Much About Indians (but I wrote a book about us anyways) (2011) and How to Say I Love You in Indian (2014). “I come from a family of storytellers. My family tells long stories, drinking coffee and blowing smoke in your face. It just fit for me to tell stories, and then I started writing them.” He is in demand as a speaker on race, social justice and white privilege as well as issues specifically affecting contemporary Native Americans and guests on MSNBC, ESPN, Democracy Now and radio shows nationwide. Ross writes for the Huffington Post, Indian Country Today, Deadspin and Gawker. Ross has also released a spoken word/hip hop CD titled “Isskootsik (Before Here was Here)” on Cabin Games Records.

You can follow Gyasi Ross on Facebook at on Twitter at and on Instagram at





Contact Gyasi Ross

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or call 206-693-4171

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