Gyasi Ross - Native American Speaker

Native American Speaker

Indigenous people are the best storytellers in the world because we’ve done it for survival—that’s how we’ve conveyed messages and warnings and lineages forever.


Gyasi Ross has provided many radio interviews on a wide variety of Native American topics including current economic conditions, avenues to opportunity, Native American history and American politics.


Gyasi Ross has been the guest on many television talk shows ranging from sports controversies such as the renaming of the Washington Redskins to legalized marijuana and the current state of reservations.


Gyasi Ross has spoken at corporate events, college campuses, outdoor rallies and other various venues bringing his ‘spoken word’ methods of storytelling and experience to the delight of the diverse crowds.

Gyasi Ross was amazing and blew our campus away with his knowledge and understanding of Native American and social justice topics. I have listened to many speakers, but I can honestly say that he was the best speaker I have heard…His authenticity and ability to keep people wanting more is a gift…After the event students, staff and faculty continued to ask him questions on different topics which was a true testament of the impact he made at our university. On top of all the hard work he put in while here, he still made time to sign books and speak to anyone who wanted to speak with him, which was truly remarkable.

Chris Annis

Interim American Indian Student Services Coordinator, University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh

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